Category: News

How the CIA plotted the ‘accidental’ death of Raul Castro

One of blackest of the black arts of espionage is the assassination operation designed to disguise who was reallly responsible.

Case in point: a newly-disclosed CIA plot to kill Raul Castro, commander of the Cuban armed forces, by making it look like he died in a plane crash.

From Peter Kornbluh, a leading Cuba scholar, in SpyTalk:

Bill Burns CIA

What will Biden do about the last of the JFK files?

Come October 26, 2021, President BIden is going to have to make a decision about the last of the U.S. government’s secret JFK files. There’s more than 15,000 of them. Accompanied by jazz drummer, Alan Dale, host of the JFK Facts podcast, I explain what’s going to happen and when.

To download the podcast as an MP3: Click HERE Place cursor on file; RIGHT click and select “Save Audio As.”

Read the transcript.

Comments to go dark

I like the fact that people come to JFK Facts to talk and learn about the assassination. Nonetheless, I plan to temporarily turn off the comments feature on the site on Wednesday, Feb 21.


Breach of Trust

RIP: Gerald McKnight, Historian Who Dismantled the Warren Commission

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Gerald D. McKnight, historian and author one of the very best scholarly books about the assassination of President Kennedy, died Lawrence, Kansas, on 30th January, 2021.

McKnight, a tenured professor of history at Hood College in Maryland, was the author of Breach of Trust, which explained how the Warren Commission, which was supposed to investigate JFK’s assassination, failed to find the truth–and why.

My friend journalist and historian, David Talbot, said it best:

Will Joe Biden Release the JFK Assassination Records?

Grassy knoll aftermath
A Dallas police officer runs toward the so-called grassy knoll area moments after President Kennedy was shot.

You will recall that President Trump caved to CIA director Mike Pompeo and FBI director Christopher Wray in October 2017. The two agencies were allowed to drop a veil of bizarre and suspicious secrecy over the full record of JFK’s assassination.

The clock is ticking, notes Brendan Cole in Newsweek. Will President Biden do the right thing?

In a presidential memo, Trump said the move was “to protect against identifiable harm to national security, law enforcement, or foreign affairs.” According to the National Archives, some 15,834 of the files still contain redactions and 520 remain unreleased in full.In April 2018, it said that a decision about the material must be reviewed again before October 26, 2021 “to determine whether continued withholding from disclosure is necessary.” This means that their fate will fall within the purview of the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Source: Will Joe Biden Release JFK Assassination Records?

RIP Vincent Salandria, Leading Warren Commission Critic

From the Truth and Reconciliation Committee

The writings of Vincent J Salandria on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are historic, foundational, and essential to any serious scholar interested in understanding the real dynamics of the Kennedy murder and its place as a terrible and pivotal moment of the American Century. In his 1967 book Six Seconds in Dallas, Josiah Thompson notes that what he terms the “second generation” of assassination researchers—including Mark Lane, Edward J. Epstein, Harold Weisberg, Raymond Marcus, Léo Sauvage, Richard Popkin—owe “a deep debt to Salandria’s pioneering and largely unsung research.” Thompson is accurate, since Salandria is in the front rank of Warren Commission critics, and the prescience of his analysis is an instruction to all interested people.


Coming Soon Oliver Stone’s JFK Documentary, ‘Destiny Betrayed’ 

Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone on the set of ‘JFK’

From Variety

 AGC Television, the TV production-distribution division of Stuart Ford’s still fast expanding independent content studio AGC Studios, has landed worldwide rights to another high-profile doc-series which it describes as “probing” and “explosive”: Oliver Stone’s “JFK: Destiny Betrayed.”

The AGC press release says:

Fetzer Loses Sandy Hook Defamation Case

James Fetzer is an odious, obnoxious man. I met him via JFK assassination discussions and found him knowledgable about certain facts but rather unhinged. He thrived on picking fights. He impugned me as a CIA collaborator who was hiding the truth about deceased undercover operative George Joannides. I reminded him that the allegation was stupid because, if it wasn’t for my reporting, he wouldn’t know anything about Joannides.

I’m happy to report that the courts have punished Fetzer for his vile conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook school shooting.

The focus of the Wisconsin lawsuit was a 455-page book, titled “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It Was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control,” which claimed the massacre at Sandy Hook was staged by the federal government to promote tighter gun control measures. Among other things, the book claimed that the school had been abandoned years before a gunman killed 20 first graders and six staff members.

Source: Sandy Hook Father Is Awarded $450,000 in Defamation Case – The New York Times

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