Category: Podcast

Who you going to believe on JFK?

Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro, tormenter of empire

On the perennial, perhaps boring, question of a JFK assassination conspiracy, the question may boil down to: who do you believe?

Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba in the 1960s, was a tireless Latin revolutionary. Charles de Gaulle, president of France, was a conservative continental statesman. They both came to the conclusion that President John F. Kennedy had been  assassinated by right-wing enemies within his own government.

The return of JFK Facts podcast

After a long hiatus, the JFK Facts podcast has returned!  This week Alan and I talk about the important keynote speech of Judge John Tunheim, former chair of the Assassination Records Review, at the CAPA conference in Washington last month. Tunheim talked about the JFK issues of 2017


We also talked about: …

JFK Facts podcast: The trouble with conspiracy theories and their critics

Jefferson Morley and Alan Dale discuss Cass Sunstein’s ideas concerning conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists.

JFK Facts podcast: How to think (and not think) about the JFK story

Jefferson Morley and Alan Dale discuss the unique challenge of sifting misinformation, disinformation, and government secrecy while trying to established a rational and factual foundation of thinking about the assassination of President Kennedy.

JFK Facts Podcast: Gaeton Fonzi

Our 9th program featuring analysis and discussion of topics relevant to the study of President Kennedy’s assassination. This week we focus upon investigative journalist, Gaeton Fonzi, his essential book, The Last Investigation, his legacy and the publication of his 1996 article on General Fabian Escalante:

To download the podcast as an MP3: Click HERE; Place cursor on file; RIGHT click and select “Save Audio As.”

Got a question or a comment? Contact us at and we’ll talk about it on the show.


JFK Facts podcast: Morley v. CIA, the James Angleton story, and other developments

Our sixth podcast. This week we discuss:

— Jim Lesar’s petition for a writ of certiorari in Morley v. CIA

— Jeff Morley responds to a question about the 2017 declassification and how that may impact CIA and JFK: The Secret Assassination Files

Dr. John Newman’s planned update to 1992’s JFK and Vietnam

— Diplomatic historians and the evolving understanding of JFK’s attitudes about imperialism and anti-colonial calls for independence throughout the third world

— Richard D. Mahoney’s JFK: Ordeal in Africa (1983) and The Kennedy Brothers (2011)

Betting on the Africans, Phillip E. Muehlenbeck

Kennedy, Johnson and the Nonaligned World, Robert Rakove

— Jeff Morley’s upcoming book on James Angleton

To download the podcast as an MP3: Click HERE; Place cursor on file; RIGHT click and select “Save Audio As.”

Got a question or a comment? Contact us at and we’ll talk about it on the show.


Jefferson Morley’s new ebook, CIA and JFK: The Secret Assassination Files, available on Amazon, provides the fullest account yet of the JFK records that the CIA is still concealing in 2016 and why they should be made public in October 2017.


The JFK Facts podcast: the CIA & JFK, RFK autopsy photos, and Dan Hardway’s remarkable story

On our third podcast (now downloadable!) featuring analysis and discussion of topics relevant to the study of President Kennedy’s assassination including: the 48th anniversary of Robert Kennedy’s assassination, Jeff Morley’s new ebook, CIA & JFK,  and his next book on James Jesus Angleton (2017). We also delved into Dan Hardway’s remarkable declaration and his recent articles at and

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