Tag: #JFK2017

The revelations of ‘CIA & JFK’

CIA & JFKMy ebook, CIA & JFK: The Secret Assassination Files is based on thousands of pages of newly-declassified records and scores of interviews with former CIA officers.

In telling the story of my JFK research over twenty years, I lay bare the role of CIA employees involved in the events of 1963.

These are the men and women whose secretive actions related to the breakdown of presidential security on Nov. 22, 1963 were never explained by the U.S. government.

They include:

Secret JFK document #2: James Angleton’s testimony

Angleton thoughtful
Counterintelligence chief James Angleton

On January 22, 1976. retired CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton testified in secret session with the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, otherwise known as the Church Committee.

Forty two years later, the 74 page transcript of Angleton’s testimony is still a state secret, according to the Mary Ferrell Foundation’s comprehensive listing of still-classified JFK material.

Angleton’s testimony, scheduled to be released in October of this year, could not be more important to JFK assassination scholarship.

About John Newman’s new book, ‘Countdown to Darkness’

John M. Newman, former U.S. Army intelligence analyst turned historian, has just published “Countdown to Darkness,” the second volume of his history of the JFK assassination. I’ll just say I learned how to report on the CIA and JFK from Newman 25 years ago and I’ve never stopped learning.

The book is available on Amazon, and it is important, especially as we get closer to the JFK disclosures coming in October 2017.

Secret JFK document #3: the DRE/AMSPELL file

DREAmong the 1,100 secret CIA documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is an 86 page file of the anti-Castro group, Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil (DRE)

The group, commonly known as the Cuban Student Directorate, had a curious double role in the JFK assassination story–a role that the CIA chose to conceal from both the Warren Commission in 1964 and the House Selection Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in the late 1970s.

The deception was not minor: CIA-funded DRE was the first organization to call public attention to accused assassin Lee Oswald–before JFK was killed.

What JFK records are most pertinent to the case?

Ross from California writes

“Having perused your website, I know that there are approximately 3,600 records that are still classified, 1,110 of which are CIA related. I realize there is a volume associated with these records, could you give me summary of the records that may be the most pertinent to the case? What influence over the release of these records will the new President have?”

The best summary of the still-secret JFK records comes from Rex Bradford, president of the Mary Ferrell Foundation site. Read more here.

The president can have a lot of influence over JFK records. Read about that here.

Will Donald Trump continue the JFK cover-up?

TrumpA reporter from Time magazine asked me this week if I thought the Trump administration would be amenable to full JFK disclosure in October 2017. I said, “Just maybe.”

Some caveats are necessary. We really don’t have much idea how the Trump presidency is going to work, at least not compared to any recent president.  Trump himself doesn’t seem to have a clear plan, and on relevant policy issues, like governmental secrecy, he has no fixed policy positions.

The political reality is this: If Trump wants to be seen as the president who ended government’s ongoing, fifty three year old cover-up of relevant JFK files, he has a golden opportunity.

What will President Trump do come October 26, 2017 when all of the government’s remaining JFK files are due, by law, to be made public?

On JFK’s 99th birthday

is today. The 35th President of the United States was born on May 29, 1917.

“John Kennedy was urbane, objective, analytical, controlled, contained,

masterful, a man of perspective,” –Arthur Schlesinger.

HIs violent death was a terrible loss for the country. Yet the CIA still hasn’t released all of its JFK assassination files. Next month, I will publish a short ebook that exposes this sorry state of affairs and explains what can be done about it in 2017.


JFK: the complex reality

Indeed, the complex reality of how a president of the United States came to be gunned down on a sunny day, and no one lost his liberty — or his job — continues to live and grow in popular memory.

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