Category: Podcast

Chapo Trap House meets JFK

In which we unravel the “whole Bay of Pigs thing,” and how Hollywood glamorizes the CIA

JFK’s Assassination Explained For British History Channel

When History Hit, a British history channel, asked me for an interview about the 58th anniversary of JFK’s assassination, I hastened to agree, especially when they said they’d throw in a hundred dollars for my trouble. “A hundred quid is always welcome,” I said to my new-found Cousins. Stateside news outlets are rarely so fair to free-lance talent. …

What did we learn from the 2017 JFK releases?

“There’s a lot of noise around the Kennedy assassination,” I observe in the JFK Facts Podcast #2. With host Alan Dale, I try to cut though that noise and talk about what we learned about the assassination from the last round of JFK releases in 2017 and 2018?

Spoiler alert: one thing we learned about was the surveillance of Lee Harvey Oswald.

To download the podcast as an MP3: Click HERE Place cursor on file; RIGHT click and select “Save Audio As.”

Bill Burns CIA

What will Biden do about the last of the JFK files?

Come October 26, 2021, President BIden is going to have to make a decision about the last of the U.S. government’s secret JFK files. There’s more than 15,000 of them. Accompanied by jazz drummer, Alan Dale, host of the JFK Facts podcast, I explain what’s going to happen and when.

To download the podcast as an MP3: Click HERE Place cursor on file; RIGHT click and select “Save Audio As.”

Read the transcript.

Martin Luther King

A Joint Statement on the Kennedy, King and Malcolm X Assassinations and Ongoing Cover-ups

This letter was released in conjunction with the celebration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, January 21, 2019. It was signed by 50 people, including members of the Kennedy and King families as well as doctors, lawyers, activists, and scholars across the political spectrum (names attached.

JFK Facts Podcast: What will the History Channel say about JFK and CIA?

Alan and I talked about the upcoming History Channel’s JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald, a six-part docu-series on Kennedy assassination story, which begins Tuesday, April 25th. Based on what I know, I have mixed feelings about the show.

JFK Facts Podcast: On Antonio Veciana’s memoir, ‘Trained To Kill’

This week Alan and I talk about the importance of Trained To Kill: The Inside Story of CIA Plots Against Castro, Kennedy, and Che, a new memoir written by former anti-Castro militant Antonio Veciana with Carlos Harrison.


We also talked about:

JFK Facts podcast: The trouble with conspiracy theories and their critics

Jefferson Morley and Alan Dale discuss Cass Sunstein’s ideas concerning conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists.

JFK Facts podcast: More about how to think (and not think) about the JFK story

Jefferson Morley and Alan Dale continue their discussion about the challenge of acquiring reliable methods by which reason and objectivity may prevail over alleged facts and confirmation bias.

  • Making sense of the JFK assassination 53 years later
  • Thomas Jefferson’s secret and almost 200 years of faulty expertise
  • Applying Thomas Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” to our understanding and methods

Doctor’s prescription: how to think about the story of JFK assassination

A doctor friend, a psychiatrist, writes:

“In listening to your latest JFK Facts podcast, I realized that many people cannot ‘see; the evidence that contradicts the standard interpretation of the Kennedy assassination because of a phenomenon described by Thomas Kuhn in “The Structure of Scientific Revolution.” This may be too theoretical for most people, but it was Kuhn who described the problems encountered with paradigm changes.” …

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