Category: Video

Angleton: The role of a ‘master bureaucratic operator’ in the JFK story

I think this might be the most cogent radio interview I did about THE GHOST.

(Just because I was on Lew Rockwell’s show doesn’t mean I agree with this politics.)

Why does the JFK assassination matter in 2018?

The political violence of the 1960s, says author Carmine Savasteno, “transformed the American landscape” and hopes for “a potential bright American future [were] dashed.” Prophetic voices for peace like JFK and Martin Luther King have been scarce ever since.

Jeremy Gunn on seeking the truth in the JFK story

in the 1990s, Jeremy Gunn served as counsel and executive director of the Assassination Records Review Board  He know the material released (or postponed) under the JFK Records Act better than almost anyone. In this 2013 talk, he assessed the evidence.

Summers vs. Hitchens on JFK

Anthony Summers rather gets the best of the late Christopher Hitchens in this 1991 BBC Show on Oliver Stone’s movie.

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