I beat the CIA three times in the 2nd highest court in the land. Then this happened
When first asked the CIA lied and said George Joannides was ‘a routing indicator’
Why sue the CIA for JFK files?
The JFK story is soooo complicated
[Ed. note Sorry for the broken link. Here’s the video again.]
Actually, Morley v. CIA is simplifying the case. Now we know where some key JFK files can be found.
What is Morley v. CIA all about?
15-year lawsuit over mysterious CIA agent drags as last of JFK files awaits release

USA Today reporter Ed Brackett reported the story first. …
15-year lawsuit over mysterious CIA agent drags as last of JFK files awaits releaseRead More »
After 15 years, my day in court with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the CIA

When I sued the CIA for certain JFK assassination files in December 2003, I knew any litigation under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was sure to take a long time.
It sure has. …
After 15 years, my day in court with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the CIARead More »
Q. ‘Can I come to hear the oral arguments in Morley v. CIA?’
A. Yes. The hearing will take place at Monday, March 19 at 9:30 am in Courtroom 31 on the 5th floor of the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse, located at 333 Constitution Avenue NW in Washington, DC.
[Update: You can listen to the oral arguments by clicking here.]
Q. ‘Can I come to hear the oral arguments in Morley v. CIA?’Read More »
What is Morley v. CIA?
Morley v. CIA is a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, filed by journalist Jefferson Morley, seeking certain JFK assassination related records generated by a CIA undercover officer named George Joannides
Here’s some press coverage of the case.
CIA to argue JFK lawsuit disclosures have no ‘public benefit’

On Monday March 19, a three-judge federal appellate court in Washington, D.C. will hear oral arguments about the “public benefit” of disclosure of CIA files related to the assassination of President Kennedy.
With the release of the last of the U.S. government’s JFK assassination files set for April 26, 2018, the judges have to pass judgement on a still-timely question: is there any public benefit from learning more about the events of November 1963? …
CIA to argue JFK lawsuit disclosures have no ‘public benefit’Read More »
Crux of the JFK issue: conspiracy or gross negligence?
“If I interpret your March 5 post correctly, it seems that you have ultimately decided that Oswald did it, either alone or in concert with one or more people, and that the CIA, at worst, was guilty of gross negligence in preventing Oswald (alone or with others) from committing the assassination.”
Crux of the JFK issue: conspiracy or gross negligence?Read More »
Federal judges to hear JFK files case on March 19
On Monday morning March 19 my attorneys Jim Lesar and Dan Alcorn and I will appear at the Barrett Prettyman federal courthouse in Washington to make oral arguments in my long-running lawsuit, Morley v. CIA. …
Federal judges to hear JFK files case on March 19Read More »
I’ll be in federal court on March 19 talking about key missing JFK files

On Monday morning March 19 my attorneys Jim Lesar and Dan Alcorn and I will appear at the Barrett Prettyman federal courthouse in Washington for oral arguments in my long-running lawsuit, Morley v. CIA.
The issue before the three-judge panel: has there been a “public benefit” from the lawsuit’s disclosure of long-secret documents about deceased CIA officer George Joannides? …
I’ll be in federal court on March 19 talking about key missing JFK filesRead More »
Exclusive: JFK investigator on how CIA stonewalled Congress

In a new sworn declaration filed in federal court, former JFK investigator Dan Hardway tells the story of how the CIA stonewalled him and other investigators for the House Select Committee of Assassinations in 1978.
Hardway’s first-person story is the most vivid and powerful account of how the CIA obstructed Congress’s attempt to investigate JFK’s assassination in 1978 since Gaeton Fonzi’s book, The Last Investigation. Hardway adds new detail to the story Fonzi told by detailing the obstructionist tactics of George Joannides that he personally experienced.
Exclusive: JFK investigator on how CIA stonewalled CongressRead More »