On the Kennedys And King blog, Millicent Cranor reviews a recent article on the ballistic evidence in JFK’s assassination, which appears in the December 2019 issue of the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology.

The article was written by Lucien Haag, former technical director of the Phoenix Crime Laboratory, who claimes nearly 50 years of experience in the field of criminalistics and forensic firearm examinations.
Cranor, an independent writer, says the article misrepresents the medical evidence. She writes:
Haag focusses on promoting a slightly tarted-up version of the single bullet theory: a bullet entered high in the base of JFK’s neck, exited his throat — traveling around 1800 fps (feet per second) — struck Governor John Connally while “yawing” (tumbling), perforated his torso, then wrist, and finally created a puncture wound in his thigh.
Cranor says the evidence shows the bullet was not “yawing,” undermining the rest of Haag’s case.
Haag argues JFK’s throat wound was an exit wound from a yawing bullet that came from behind. Cranor notes the Dallas doctors who sought to revive Kennedy observed a “contusion ring” around the wound, bruising that is typically caused by an entrance wound.
She writes:
No one can say for sure whether the wound was an exit, but I cannot find any record of an exit wound associated with such bruising. And the back wound was never proven to connect with the throat wound. It was never dissected, and could not be probed with a finger. And, while viewing the open chest from the front, an autopsy technician said there was no entrance into the chest cavity from behind, and the bullet seemed to have stopped at the apex of the right lung.
Which Cranor to one the key disputes in the scientific debate around JFK’s assassination.
A big problem for the government-approved narrative was, and still is, the location of the back wound. It was lower than the throat wound. How could a bullet from the sniper’s nest above come down, enter the back — then go back up again?
Worth reading: Cranor’s caustic take on the key issues in the medical evidence, published in WhoWhatWhy in 2018.
Worth watching: Dr. Robert McCelland talks about what he observed while looking at JFK’ head wound for about 10 minutes from a distance of two feet.
Source: Kennedys And King – More “Haagwash” from Lucien Haag, the Kellyanne Conway of Lone Nutterdom
I’m asking Lucien Haag to respond.