‘Does this not make LHO a CIA asset?’

A reader responds to THE GHOST:

“this is brilliant and pioneering work on LHO and the assassination. I guess the only thing I don’t quite get is, if you conclude that Angleton was using Oswald in some way(s), does this not make LHO a CIA asset? And if it makes him a CIA asset, doesn’t that directly implicate the CIA in JFK’s murder, no ifs, ands or buts (though still understanding that there are many grey and unexplained areas)?”

The answer is yes, Oswald was a CIA asset. He was used for intelligence purposes, first in Jim Angleton’s mole hunt and then in a COINTELPRO operation against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans in August 1963.

Those facts alone, however, do not necessarily implicate the CIA in JFK’s murder. They are not proof of an assassination conspiracy. They do, however, point to culpability. These two operations demonstrate that Oswald was a known personality to senior CIA officers, including Angleton.

Tomorrow: What one CIA officer said about Angleton and JFK






1 thought on “‘Does this not make LHO a CIA asset?’”

  1. the tsbd employees: stories aren’t consistent?1)BonnieRayWilliams .2)charles D Givens3.)jamesJarman Jr.4)Eddie Piper 5.)Danny Arce6.)William Hank Norman 7.)Billy LoveLady :all these men work on 6th floor.Probarbly handled the books to stack them in sniper nest?Because Need move boxes to put plywood on top of old floor?They had race with2 elevators from 6 to 1 floor?&all men saw LHO ask them do something to elevator so he could use it?no4 man saw LHO 1st floor Noon?All probably saw LHO in dominoRoom?Read Newspaper?No.1 man left Lunch bag of chicken bones 6th floor (snipersNest)Dr Pepper?LHO drank coke 2nd floor lunch room?No.2 man arrest numerous times Narcotics (marijuana)?All these men easily ready to toss LHO under bus to protect their livelihood/Life ?

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