Mapping JFK’s motorcade

Motorcade 63 is a nifty piece of JFK research from programmer Mark Tyler.

Tyler has reconstructed the passage of the President Kennedy’s motorcade through Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 by combining photographic and eyewitness evidence. He explains his transparent methodology and his conclusions here.

In a note to researchers Tyler says this:

Over the next few months I hope to add more key witnesses and fine tune the work so it is consistent with the factual record (i.e. photos, films, and corroborated witness statements).  People are welcome to offer advice regarding how to improve the work.

Working on this project has helped me understand the events from 1963 in much greater detail, and I hope others find the animation useful for their studies too. 

You can send him a message via Twitter

1 thought on “Mapping JFK’s motorcade”

  1. I was in the US Navy 1960 to 64, as a guard for President Kennedy 1962 in Washington DC.
    I saw 3 motorcades in DC.

    In all of them there were photo journalists standing on the sidewalk, taking pictures of the crowd and JFK..

    Dallas 11-22-63 was the only time in history when official ABC, CBS, NBC photo journalists forbidden from taking photos from anywhere but the PRESS BUS, which was the last vehicle in the JFK motorcade. They were officially forbidden from standing on the sidewalk in front of the grassy knoll. The front page map of the motorcade showed it staying on Main St. and not taking the hairpin turn, stopping in from of the TSBD, then going past the fence on the grassy knoll where the 3 plus 3 shots, for a total of 6 shots were fired by Hunt, Sturgis and Mr. X were fired at JFK and hit him in the throat and the right temple.

    My new book on amazon is “JFK Ambush Solved”, by Paul Kangas. 11-22-63. You can order copies from Kangas, 15 Boardman Pl. 2nd fl, SF, Ca 94103-5343

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