Doug Horne, former investigator for the Assassination Records Review Board, welcomes the end of Hardball, the CNN talk show hosted by Chris Matthews.
“He was a dinosaur whose departure was long overdue,” Horne writes
“Why do I say this? Certainly not for the public reasons touted for his departure. The public reasons cited in the mainstream media included sexist behavior in his dealings with women on multiple occasions, and weighing in too heavily, with his thumb on the scale, in political races—with sometimes outrageous, over-the-top, partisan commentary. He was much more into inveighing with strong political opinions than he was into pure journalism. His act on this score had worn thin recently, with his strong and open opposition to the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren campaigns.”
“….But these behaviors are not the main reason I applaud his departure. My reason involves his repeatedly stated, aggressive position on the JFK assassination; his position on the Kennedy assassination was absurdly pro-Warren Commission, and in total denial of the established fact that we experienced a coup in this country in 1963, with the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
“This denial of a U.S. government cover-up, and denial that America experienced a coup in 1963, was in opposition to the enormous body of facts unearthed by the serious work of three generations of independent citizen-researchers beginning in 1964, and was in opposition to the official conclusion of the HSCA in 1979—that JFK was likely killed as the result of a conspiracy. [There are many critics of various aspects of the HSCA investigation—and I am among them—but Matthews never acknowledged the HSCA’s official, overall conclusion, and would only tout the Warren Commission’s line that JFK was assassinated by a lone nut, acting alone.]