Tag: James Angleton

The Intelligence Community Flips Off America

This from my friend Dan Hardway, West Virginia litigator and former congressional investigator, who knows what to look for in the new JFK files.

While I doubt the existence of a “smoking gun,” the circumstantial evidence we might look for in the delayed files could show a correlation between Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities in New Orleans and Mexico City in the late summer and fall of 1963 and CIA covert operations that were occurring at that time.


Bowing to public opinion, the CIA releases more JFK files

Good news: The CIA has released another batch of JFK assassination-related records, according to the New York Times.

In the face of criticism from a federal judge and the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the CIA has released 676 new documents related to the murder of President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, in November 1963.

As always, I’m looking for any files on my top 5 JFK suspects: James Angleton, Bill Harvey, David Phillips, Ann Goodpasture, and George Joannides.  And anything on CIA operations in Mexico City and New Orleans.

If you find something interesting, drop me a line.

Source: Secret C.I.A. Documents May Shed New Light on J.F.K. Killing – The New York Times

Angleton: ‘complex webs of subterfuge and deception’

From Booklist Online

“Serving up a suitably intriguing profile of this quintessential spy, journalist Morley’s (Snow-Storm in August, 2012) mosaic-like biography painstakingly pieces together the complex webs of subterfuge and deception Angleton created during his storied career.”

Source: Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, by Jefferson Morley | Booklist Online

Orrder THE GHOST here.

See you at the 2017 JFK Lancer November In Dallas conference

I’m pleased to be speaking at the JFK Lancer November In Dallas Conference on Friday, November 17 at 4 pm. I will talk about “James Angleton and the Assassination of JFK.” I will also be selling and signing my new book, THE GHOST: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton.

You can register for the conference here. Sign up before October 16, and get the Early Bird discount. …

Liberals and conservatives call on Trump to reject JFK secrecy

A bipartisan group of Congressman are urging President Trump to insist on “full public release” the government’s JFK assassination records by October 26 and to  “reject any claims for the continued postponement of …. those records.”

In two “sense of Congress” resolutions introduced Wednesday on Capitol Hill, the legislators call for the CIA, FBI and other federal agencies to release all of their records related to the November 1963 murder of President John F. Kennedy.

JFK’s assassination on November 22, 1963 generated six official investigations and widespread belief that the liberal president was the victim of a conspiracy and not a lone gunman.

After the box office success of Oliver Stone’s conspiratorial epic “JFK, Congress unanimously approved the JFK Records Act on October 26, 1992, mandating release of all government records related to JFK’s death within 25 years.

Most of the JFK files have been made public but some 35,000 documents remained fully or partially redacted and have never been seen by the public, researchers or the media. By law, federal agencies must obtain the written permission of the president to keep these documents secret after this month.

“The president can be a real hero to the American people if he says the truth does matter,” Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), leader of the effort, told AlterNet in a phone interview.

“Transparency in government is critical not only to ensuring accountability; it’s also essential to understanding our nation’s history,” said Sen. Charles Grassley, (R-Iowa) in a written statement. “…Americans deserve a full picture of what happened that fateful day in November 1963. Shining a light on never-before-seen government records is essential to filling in these blank spaces in our history.”

The CIA and FBI have not yet revealed whether they will appeal to Trump for continuing secrecy.

“CIA continues to engage in the process to determine the appropriate next steps with respect to any previously unreleased CIA information,” said spokesperson Nicole de Haay told Alternet last month.

In an email, the FBI press office said, “We do not have a comment to provide and suggest you reach out to the White House.”

The White House did nor respond to request for comment.

According to the National Archives online database, the unreleased records include CIA files on two senior officers involved in assassinations and four Watergate burglars, as well as the closed-door testimony of numerous JFK witnesses, such CIA spymaster James Angleton.

Diverse Supporters

The resolutions have attracted diverse support. The House measure, introduced by Jones, is co-sponsored by several members who served in Congress in 1992, and voted for the original JFK Records Act.

They include liberals Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.), currently the longest serving member of Congress, Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), the longest serving woman in the House, Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Gerry Connolly (D-Va.)

The House Republican co-sponsors include conservative Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) and first termer Matt Gaetz (R-Florida).

The Senate resolution (S. Res 281) was introduced by Grassley (R-Ia), the conservative chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and co-sponsored by liberal Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vermont), the ranking member of the committee.

“Chairman Grassley and I both believe that a government of, by, and for the people simply cannot be one that needlessly hides information from them,” Leahy said in a statement. “I look forward to continuing our efforts to make our democracy ever more transparent to the American people.”

Jones said he will send a letter to all members of Congress seeking their support for the non-binding resolutions.

Jones also said he plans to contact Roger Stone, a confidante of Trump and JFK conspiracy theorist. On Wednesday Stone joined anti-conspiratorial author Gerald Posner in a public statement calling for release of the JFK files.

“I will ask Mr. Stone to please use his influence with Donald Trump to encourage the president to join in this effort,” Jones added.

During the 2016 presidentail campaign Trump concocted a bogus JFK conspiracy theory to smear Republican rival Ted Cruz.

Four revelations

The first batch of the last JFK records, released by the National Archives in July, generated several revelations that shed new light on the JFK story.

One top CIA counterintelligence official came to doubt the lone gunman theory in the mid-1970s and suspected Cuba might have been involved, according to Politico.

WhoWhatWhy reported on records showing that Earle Cabell, the mayor of Dallas at the time of JFK’s murder, was a CIA asset.

For AlterNet, I wrote about how CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton repeatedly deceived Warren Commission investigators about the agency’s knowledge of Oswald’s pre-assassination activities.

Collectively, the latest revelations pour cold water on the theory that the Soviet intelligence service, the KGB, was involved in JFK’s murder, while raising questions about the “Castro did it” theory and the role of the CIA in the events leading to November 22, 1963

Whether any JFK records will remain secret after this month is up to President Trump. The conspiracy-theorist-in chief has three weeks to decide.

Top 4 revelations from the new JFK files

Earle Cabell
Earle Cabell, Dallas mayor and CIA asset

The release of long-secret JFK assassination files by the National Archives has drawn the attention of news organizations nationwide.

Four revelations stand out so far.

1) WhoWhatWhy reported on documents showing that Earle Cabell, the mayor of Dallas at the time of JFK’s assassination, was a CIA asset in the 1950s. His brother, Charles Cabell, was a high-ranking CIA official until 1962.

Missing from the new JFK files: a batch of CIA records on Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald in Custody
Lee Harvey Oswald

All of the U.S. government’s files on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are supposed to be released by October 26. But one batch of the CIA records on suspected assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, has gone missing.

The records were part of a 7-volume file on Oswald, held by the agency’s Office of Security (OS), which is responsible for protecting CIA property and vetting agency personnel. Declassified CIA records show that volume 5 of the file records existed in 1978. The contents of the missing file are not known.

The disappearance of the records, discovered by JFK researcher Malcolm Blunt, is significant because the Office of Security was the first component of the CIA to open a file on Oswald, an ex-Marine who defected to the Soviet Union in October 1959.

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