In the fall of 2012 my friend Rex Bradford and I bought the domain name “” and launched this web site. This post is about what we have learned since then.

I was an underemployed journalist. He was a high-tech wage slave. I had worked for the Washington Post and sued the CIA for certain JFK files. He had created, the premier online archive of the political assassinations of the 1960s.
Bradford and I shared the commonsensical conviction that people should know the real JFK story. We believed the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963 was a decisive turning point in the history of the United States of America. We wanted to tell people about it as best we could.
New Evidence
To tell the truth, Rex and I were feeling mordant. Looking ahead to November 2013, the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination, we anticipated an explosion of JFK coverage, along with a lot of under-informed, and over-the-top commentary from mainstream pundits like Chris Matthews and Dan Rather.
We expected, correctly, that this verbiage would assure the world (and the pundits themselves) that JFK’s assassination was not a politically motivated event. It was a tragedy for which no one was responsible. Rex reminded me of the comforting cliche we were sure to hear: a little man killed a big man for no reason.

We decided to create an online platform that would broaden the popular discussion of JFK’s assassination. We had the old-fashioned idea that readers were tired of the many stupid JFK theories and the propaganda that surrounds them. We thought people would gravitate to new facts–new evidence–that had been concealed or ignored by the government and the pundits, or was totally unknown.
We called the site “JFK Facts” because we had no interest in prosecuting any particular “theory” of how President Kennedy came to be killed in broad daylight in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
We preferred to let the facts speak for themselves. Quaint concept, I know.
Rex called on Amanda Otter to design the site. He set up the hosting and created the backend. I taught myself how to use Word Press, and we were in business.
Hold The Theories, Please

I say “we” because it wasn’t just Rex and I that made JFK Facts popular with readers and credible with mainstream news organizations. Many people from all over the country and the world came forward with comments, photos, videos, documents, memories and tips that proved significant.
- Scott and Andy Alderton. provided a revealing video interview with CG Harvey, widow of Bill Harvey, a prime suspect in the JFK’s assassination.
- Larry Hancock shared the story of John Martino, a Havana casino security consultant who knew in advance of a plan to ambush the president in Dallas.
- Bill Newman, the closest bystander to JFK’s limousine on November 22, talked about his memories of that fateful day.
- “Gail Raven” related the thinking of her wanna-be boyfriend Jack Ruby, who killed Lee Oswald, the supposed assassin.
- Rick Bauer shared a photo of his friend and fellow pilot David Ferrie.
- Audio expert Ed Primeau analyzed a newly-discovered tape of Air Force One communications on the afternoon of November 22, 1963
There were many more. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this crowd-sourced JFK investigation.
Fact Pattern
Seven years, 2,172 posts, and 2,034,959 page views later, I want to share what we, collectively, found.
I should say that I met my share of emotionally needy people while running JFK Facts but they were far outnumbered by intelligent, open-minded people from across the political spectrum and around the world. It was a pleasure to learn and disagree and talk and ultimately to find lots of agreement, despite our many differences.
Another quaint concept, but it actually happened.
What JFK Facts generated between 2012 and 2019 is what lawyers call a “fact pattern.” In the lexicon of criminal law, a “fact pattern” is:
“all the occurrences or circumstances of a particular case, without any discussion of their consequences under the law. “
The Role of the CIA
In my opinion, the JFK fact pattern found in the pages of JFK Facts is inconsistent with the official anti-conspiracy theory that an alienated leftist, alone and unaided, killed President Kennedy for no discernible reason.
To the contrary, the JFK fact pattern indicates to me that enemies of Kennedy’s policies in the CIA and Pentagon covertly conspired to kill the president in such a way that blame for the crime would fall on Lee Harvey Oswald, the supposed “lone gunman.” The role of certain CIA officers in this story is a central focus of JFK Facts.
But don’t take my word for it. Read some or all of the 29 of the best stories published on JFK Facts over the last seven years. Decide for yourself who was responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
TAKE ME TO JFK STORY #1: In which a top CIA counterintelligence officer opens a file on Lee Harvey Oswald in 1959.