JFK encouraged the making of a movie about a military coup

The movie, “Seven Days in May,” was a prescient political thriller. President Kennedy, who worried about the power of the right-wing, particularly generals who defied civilian control, encouraged the making of the movie before he was struck down on November 22, 1963.

1 thought on “JFK encouraged the making of a movie about a military coup”

  1. According to Khrushchev, RFK expressed the same concern to Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin during the 1962 missiles confrontation – that if Khrushchev didn’t back down, the military were liable to stage a coup and bomb the bases regardless. It has since been claimed that the USSR actually had some sort of Doomsday Machine of the type imagined in the Dr Strangelove film, and a strike on the Cuban bases wd have automatically triggered off nuclear explosions at strategic points worldwide.

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