Is a ‘Coup in Camelot’ a good JFK documentary?

Vince Palamara writes:

“I know I am biased, as I appear in this program, but I honestly believe this is the very best JFK assassination documentary ever made. Clocking in at 1 hour and 40 minutes, it has a forensic angle to it, as well as some good historical context. “


“The graphics, films, photos, and audio clips, as well as the overall production, are outstanding. I am proud of my Secret Service related contribution. In addition, authors Doug Horne, Dr. David Mantik, Sherry Fiester, Barry Ernest, Dick Russell, and Jerry Dealey do an excellent job on the medical and forensic evidence, among other areas of the case. So many documentaries have an incomplete feel, only touch on one (or a few) areas of the case, always have to include Posner and company, and, more often than not, include silly ideas/ theories.”



CIA & JFKFrom a 5-Star Amazon review of Jefferson Morley’s new ebook, CIA and JFK: The Secret Assassination Files.

The crown jewel of Mr. Morley’s work details his discovery that a retired CIA officer named George Joannides was called back to Washington to stall a re-investigation of the assassination by the House of Representatives in the late 1970s.

As editor of JFK Facts, Morley is the leader of JFK investigative journalism. He

–broke the story of Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly’s JFK lie, which CNN picked up.

–broke the story of the 1,100 JFK files that the CIA has never made public. Politico followed his lead.

–successfully sued the CIA for long-secret JFK files–and the New York Times paid attention.

Morley’s latest investigationCIA and JFK: The Secret Assassination Files, available on Amazon, provides the fullest account of the role of CIA operations officers in the events leading to the death of JFK.

Morley reveals what’s in the thousands of long-suppressed JFK files scheduled to be declassified in October 2017.





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