Category: Full Disclosure

Latest Group of JFK Assassination Records Available to the Public National Archives

the National Archives today posted 13,213  records subject to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act).   The majority of the documents released today were released previously in redacted form.  The versions released today were prepared by agencies prior to October 26, 2017, and were posted to make the latest versions of the documents available as expeditiously as possible

via Latest Group of JFK Assassination Records Available to the Public National Archives

USA Today: CIA started to disavow knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald within hours of killing

Some of the best reporting on the new JFK files is coming from USA Today.
In today’s story, the national daily notes an essential newsworthy fact revealed in the newly declassified records.

Within hours of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA started to distance itself from any connection to suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, recently released secret records from the National Archives show.

New batch of JFK assassination files illuminate CIA’s interest in Oswald

It’s going to take a while to make sense of the November 3 JFK file release, which contains much more significant information than previous releases on July 24 and October 26.

The Washington Post digs in and confirms my point. Pre-assassination communications about the unimportant Lee Oswald went straight to the top of the agency, i.e., to James Angleton.

Timeout on JFK files, as Washington turns to today’s conspiracy allegations

No, President Trump’s release of a handful of secret JFK files last week was not a “distraction” from his troubles with Special Counsel Robert Mueller III. The release was something that he was legally required to do, and he actually failed to do it.

But with the indictment of Paul Manafort, all is forgotten, at least about JFK. The Washington press corps and the news cycle has whirled away from the crime of Dallas to more recent lawbreaking.

The JFK files story so far, if anybody is still paying attention, is a study in Washington’s dysfunction: Trump got rolled. The media got played. The JFK coverup continues.  …

Mary Ferrell would have chuckled about media coverage of JFK files

Robbyn Swan worked with her husband Anthony Summers on his JFK investigation, Not in Your Lifetime, which remains one of the best books ever written about the Dallas tragedy. Along the way, Swan got to know Mary Ferrell, the Dallas legal secretary who became one of the first and most exacting critics of the Warren Commission.

In a timely Facebook post, Swan

What the media missed: 90% of JFK files are still secret, 3 days after the legal deadline for disclosure

Liberal news media organization, usually hostile and suspicious of President Trump, have gone easy on his dubious claim that he “lifted the veil” on JFK records. He didn’t As the authoritative Mary Ferrell Foundation states:

Still withheld-in-full records among the 98% of those still withheld include, for example: * Still-withheld Church Committee interview transcripts not included in the 1990s releases, including one with none other than CIA CounterIntelligence chief James Angleton.

Source: What Happened Thursday to the JFK Records? – WhoWhatWhy

HuffPo asks the right JFK questions

This video sticks to facts, avoids theories, asks the right questions: What is new in the files? And what does what is new tell us about the causes of the assassination? Was it a coup to block JFK’s negotiations with Soviets and Cubans?

Judge rebukes Trump’s ‘disappointing’ JFK records release

The backlash continues. Trump’s much ballyhooed release of JFK files is drawing more criticism for being late and incomplete.

“I just don’t think there is anything in these records that require keeping them secret now,” John Tunheim, who from 1992 to 1998 chaired a congressionally established board that reviewed all the files on the assassination, told POLITICO in a telephone interview Friday. He is now a U.S. district judge in Minnesota.

Source: Judge rebukes handling of JFK records – POLITICO

JFK records: ‘Peeling the onion for five decades’

“There’s no Star Chamber report,” said Rex Bradford, president of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which has posted a searchable archive of the JFK material online to make research easier. But “there are documents I am looking forward to seeing. … It’s been peeling an onion for five decades. The bulk will be pretty impressive, if it happens.”

Source: Decades of secrecy end as Trump allows release of last JFK assassination records | Politics | Dallas News

Judge who chaired JFK assassination review board says ‘it’s time to release everything’

“I think it’s time to release everything” Tunheim said. “We didn’t really protect that much. We never protected an entire document, except for those that we didn’t think that were relevant at all. It might have been some kind of intelligence gathering method that was still being used that they didn’t want the public to know about.”

Source: Judge who chaired JFK assassination review board says ‘it’s time to release everything’ | News | KFGO-790

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