Category: Experts

Dale Myers on the state of the JFK case

By setting up a series of straw men, adopting a supercilious tone, and ignoring new evidence, Dale Myers manages to unpleasantly restate the official theory of a lone gunman in a way that makes it less convincing than ever.

Fifty-two long years, and still nothing to exonerate Oswald or uncover the so-called “true conspirators.”

Source: JFK Files: Fifty-two years of coming to terms with Oswald

Myers is correct on one point: there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt that any specific named individual conspired to kill President Kennedy. This factual statement also applies to Lee Oswald.

Speaking Bluntly: A conversation with a leading JFK researcher

Malcolm Blunt, researcher
Malcolm Blunt

In this far-ranging interview, Alan Dale speaks with the esteemed Malcolm Blunt, an independent investigator of the truth with an unbiased instinct for what is important–and what is not –in the details of President Kennedy’s assassination.

No one knows more about the CIA bureaucracy and how it functioned in the Kennedy era than this wise and funny and generous man.

Listen — 2017 JFK:

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