6 Washington insiders who suspected a JFK plot
Defenders of the semi-official theory of JFK’s assassination sometimes suggest that anyone who disagrees is deluded or dishonest.
…Defenders of the semi-official theory of JFK’s assassination sometimes suggest that anyone who disagrees is deluded or dishonest.
…A former CIA military trainer gets real about one Agency operation to assassinate Fidel Castro.
Monica Mercedes Pérez Jiménez has a lineage of power. She is the daughter of Marco Jimenez, dictator of Venezuela in the 1950s, and Marita Lorentz, one-time girlfriend of Fidel Castro who later became a CIA spy.
…Watergate burglar threatened my mother because of her JFK storyRead More »
The Central Intelligence Agency reclassified portions of once-public JFK assassination files in April 2018, according to a study by the Mary Ferrell Foundation, the largest online archive of government files on JFK’s assassination.
Is this CIA incompetence? Or CIA trickery?
Why Did the CIA Reclassify Parts of Some JFK Files in 2018?Read More »
One of blackest of the black arts of espionage is the assassination operation designed to disguise who was reallly responsible.
Case in point: a newly-disclosed CIA plot to kill Raul Castro, commander of the Cuban armed forces, by making it look like he died in a plane crash.
From Peter Kornbluh, a leading Cuba scholar, in SpyTalk:
…How the CIA plotted the ‘accidental’ death of Raul CastroRead More »
Actually, somebody did talk.
…10) If there was a JFK conspiracy, wouldn’t somebody have talked?Read More »
Was JFK going to make peace with Cuba?
On November 5, 1963, President Kennedy was exploring the idea. You can hear JFK talking about it with aides on this White House tape recording. (The substantive conversation starts at :25 in the recording.)
…8) Nov. 5, 1963: JFK considers secret talks with CastroRead More »
What Cuban leader Fidel Castro said on November 23, 1963 about JFK’s assassination: …
‘Concerning the Facts and Consequences of the Tragic Death of President John F. Kennedy’Read More »
Under the suggestive title “Castro Figured Out The JFK Case in Five Days”, an English version of his speech at the University of Havana on November 27, 1963, is available from CTKA.
In due course, the Warren Commission was provided with a slightly different version, but its members feared and rejected Castro’s line of argument depicting JFK’s assassination as part of a broader “plan against peace, against Cuba, against the Soviet Union, against humanity, against progressive and even liberal sectors of the United States.”
Did Castro figure out the JFK case in just five days?Read More »
Now available on You Tube retired Major General Fabian Escalante, former head and current historian of Cuba’s State Security Department,i gives a sneak preview of his upcoming book Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the Aggression Against Cuba. …
Cuba celebrates the 60th anniversary of the beginning of its revolution on July 26, 1953. Later this year America will commemorate the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963,
The events are ancient but linked. The connection between Cuba’s revolution and the death of the 35th American president remains a live issue in the political culture of both countries.
The assassination of JFK is one reason why this conflict between the United States and Cuba endures to this day.
On the perennial, perhaps boring, question of a JFK assassination conspiracy, the question may boil down to: who do you believe?
Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba in the 1960s, was a tireless Latin revolutionary. Charles de Gaulle, president of France, was a conservative continental statesman. They both came to the conclusion that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated by right-wing enemies within his own government.
Two documents provided by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden and published for the first time today further underline how closely the intelligence community has held information related to Cuba’s potential role in the killing, indicating that the NSA for decades has kept secret its efforts to monitor Cuban agents’ communications in the aftermath of the event.
Source: NSA Concealed Records on JFK Assassination for Decades
NSA concealed records on JFK assassination for decadesRead More »
After more than fifty years and zero quantum of proof since the JFK assassination, Philip Shenon and Larry J. Sabato insist on the out-worn hypothesis “Castro sorta done it” while reporting how the CIA came to doubt the official story.
How Shenon and Sabato came to Fake News in JFK’s MurderRead More »
In this final installment of his review of the History Channel series, Arnaldo Fernandez concludes: “With Castro as vantage point instead of the CIA, Baer was not tracking Oswald to articulate a true picture of the past, but to drive the historical truth away.”
Source: Kennedys And King – JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald, Part 6