President Kennedy had a Russian back channel

Unlike Jared Kushner JFK and RFK didn’t use secret contacts with Russian officials to avoid U.S. law enforcement. He used them to advance his strategy of peace.

In the mosaic of new information about his presidency, we can see patterns.  Kennedy sought liberal outcomes while abhorring instability and uncertainty. But, in the end, he could and would take risks. He assumed his Russian outreach would have to remain secret, not only to satisfy the Soviets that it was not a publicity trick, but to give him time to sway American public opinion for whatever agreement that would follow.

Source: John F. Kennedy had a Russian back channel.



From a 5-Star Amazon review of Jefferson Morley’s new ebook, CIA and JFK: The Secret Assassination Files,

Suspicions about the CIA’s involvement in the JFK assassination have been circulatingCIA & JFK for decades, but Jeff Morley has more than suspicions. He has dug through countless sheaves of once-secret documents and interviewed so many spooks I’m surprised he’s not haunted.

Morley’s  new ebook CIA and JFK: The Secret Assassination Files, available on Amazon, provides the fullest account of the role of certain CIA operations officers in the events leading to the death of JFK.

CIA and JFK: The Secret Assassination Files

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