What is Morley v. CIA all about?
El Pais on ‘mysteries hidden in the secret JFK assassination files’
Jan Martinez Ahrens’ piece in EL PAÍS, the leading newspaper of Spain (machine translated) shows why foreign coverage of the JFK files release was more realistic and less propagandistic than the U.S. coverage.
El Pais on ‘mysteries hidden in the secret JFK assassination files’Read More »
Where to find the smoking gun: in the 30,000 JFK documents that remain secret
After the JFK document dumps of July 24, October 26 and November 3, the most historically significant records related to the assassination of the liberal president remain out of public view.
Where to find the smoking gun: in the 30,000 JFK documents that remain secretRead More »
Beyond the JFK headlines, the deeper story
I recently appeared with Carlos Harrison, co-author of Antonio Veciana’s revelatory memoir Trained to Kill, on Teresa Rodriguez’s Stories Beyond the Headlines on Apple Podcasts.
We had a good talk about what is–and is not–in the new JFK files. Listen.
The JFK files and the problem of trust
On the very limited JFK file release last week, The New Yorker’s Jeffrey Frank notes that “secrecy itself shares the blame for fomenting so many conspiracy theories and …
About CIA and FBI intransigence on the JFK files
Behind the JFK cover story, Oswald under CIA surveillance for 4 years
I talk JFK Facts with Bob McKeown of the CBC’s “Fifth Estate.”