Best of JFK on the Web

While misinformation and disinformation are too common in the JFK story, the number of high-quality Web sites that provide useful information and perspectives about the assassination story is increasing.

Here are some of the best. Please note that just because I list a’ site does not mean I endorse any or all of the content of that site.

This list is regularly updated and reader recommendations are welcome.

  1. Mary Ferrell Foundation: The largest online repository of JFK assassination records from the FBI, CIA and other government agencies and from the five official investigations. The first stop for anyone doing JFK research online. (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
  2. JFKLancer: The online home of the largest network on independent JFK researchers who built and expanded the historical record of the assassination.
  3. Kennedys and King (Formerly CTKA): A hub for conspiracy-minded researchers that is strong on reviews of recent JFK books and obituaries of people involved in the JFK story.
  4. For beginners, I recommend 22 November 1963, a British Web site, provides a lucid and fair-minded overview of the JFK assassination and the many controversies about it.
  5. The National Archives JFK Assassination Record Collection: a complete guide to information and records that the U.S. government has made public. Not much background information. (NOT FOR BEGINNERS)
  6. Black Op Radio: Len Osanic’s video series “50 Reasons for 50 Years” is an excellent investigative introduction to the problems of the official JFK story.
  7.  The JFK  Forum Index has capsule biographies of many personalities involved in the  JFK story. Lots of useful information about people involved in the JFK story, along with some claims that cannot be confirmed. (HANDLE WITH CARE)
  8. JFK Countercoup. Bill Kelly’s blog provides running commentary on new evidence related to the assassination with an emphasis on what can be done about it.
  9. The Grassy Knoll Witnesses: This Facebook page focuses on the witnesses who said that gunshots came from in front of the motorcade, testimony that any account of the assassination must explain.
  10.  JFK Assassination Home Page: The best anti-conspiracy Web site, created by former Marquette University professor John McAdams, defends the official story of a lone gunman while presenting a variety of evidence. If you disagree with his anti-conspiratorial conclusions, these are the arguments you have to understand. (HANDLE WITH CARE)

What Do You Think?

2 thoughts on “Best of JFK on the Web”

  1. Terry Parker Jr.

    Shameful Canada has no protection of unwitting subjects of various Nuremberg Code violations, or else we could discover whose left temporal lobe brain tissue was transplanted upon myself, Dec. 9,1969, at a Toronto Ontario pediatric hospital, while under the guise of treating seizure disorder. Seems I have discovered JFK’s missing brain tissue, but our governments refuse recognize that the very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. Let there be light.

  2. Hi,

    Some years ago, there used to be a privately managed website that housed one of the largest collections of JFK assassination related images on the web. It was early internet look and feel, but there were so many images in the collection. Do you know what happened to it?

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