6 Washington insiders who suspected a JFK plot
Defenders of the semi-official theory of JFK’s assassination sometimes suggest that anyone who disagrees is deluded or dishonest.
…Defenders of the semi-official theory of JFK’s assassination sometimes suggest that anyone who disagrees is deluded or dishonest.
…Here’s a list from the National Archives of JFK assassination files that are still withheld in their entirety.
…This account scants an important factor in Jackie’s thinking. After Bobby Kennedy was killed, she felt endangered. She had spent time with Onassis and knew he had big security detail. He could protect her and her children.
Jackie Kennedy: JFK’s widow married Aristotle Onassis 50 years ago – The Washington Post
Jackie Kennedy’s bloodstained pink Chanel suit tells more acutely than any other image the story of what happened in Dallas on Friday, Nov. 22. But the notes she prepared for her personal assistant, Providencia Paredes, read as stage directions for a weekend of political theater and a catalog of the wardrobe that made her the most fashionable first lady of the 20th century, referenced by her successors to this day.
Source: Jackie Kennedy’s Packing List for Texas, Chic and Poignant – The New York Times
On Feb. 14, 1962, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy took CBS News and a national television audience on a tour of the newly remodeled White House.
Let’s tag along.
“It was my understanding that she wanted all the information released,” Hill tells PEOPLE. “She wanted people to have as much information about what actually happened as possible.”
Source: Jackie Kennedy Wanted JFK Assassination Papers Made Public, Says Her Former Secret Service Agent
In this world-exclusive video, JFK Facts presents a fascinating interview with C.G. Harvey, the widow of legendary CIA officer William King Harvey. Clara Grace Harvey was a CIA officer herself who worked on Operation Paperclip, the agency’s program to evacuate scientists from Nazi Germany.
C.G. Harvey, widow of CIA’s Bill Harvey, denounced JFK and loved a mobsterRead More »
On May 29, 1963, Kennedy and about two dozen others boarded the 104-foot Sequoia, the presidential yacht, for a dinner party cruise down the Potomac River. It was a family-and-friends-only affair. Aside from a few Secret Service agents, the roster of guests gleamed with a touch of Hollywood — actors David Niven (“Separate Tables” and “The Pink Panther”) and Peter Lawford (a Rat Packer who was married to Patricia Kennedy, the commander in chief’s sister).
JFK Facts movie critic Patrick McDonald on “Jackie“
This biographical portrait is superior cinematic form, a combination of stylistic close-up work and funereal atmosphere by Pablo Lorrain, one of the most creative directors working today. The camera never blinks while following Natalie Portman as the title character, in a peak career performance.
“Yesterday morning, at 11:15, Jacqueline Kennedy started toward the grave. She came out from under the north portico of the White House and slowly followed the body of her husband, which was in a flag-covered coffin that was strapped with two black leather belts to a black caisson that had polished brass axles. She walked straight and her head was high. She walked down the bluestone and …
“Perhaps there was only one assassin, but he did not act alone …. Dallas was the ideal location for such a crime.”
— William Walton, a friend of the Kennedys’, speaking on behalf of Robert and Jacqueline Kennedy. Walton delivered his message in Moscow to Georgi Bolshakov, who had been a backchannel to the Soviet leadership and was asked to repeat it to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. This incident occurred a week after the assassination.
Mr. Larraín’s film, which opens on Friday, presents a Jackie (Natalie Portman) as savvy and exacting in managing her persona as any cinema diva of the day, her fixation on style anticipating the image-drunk culture that was to define the coming decades.
Source: Jackie Kennedy: The First Instagram First Lady – The New York Times
This prestige-level drama seems primed to secure Natalie Portman an Oscar nomination with her in literally every scene of the film as Jackie Kennedy, putting a human face on this larger-than-life person
Source: Movie News | JoBlo.com
“The JFK we remember is the one Jackie created.”