13) A highly credible JFK witness: Bill Newman’s story
One perennial question people have about the JFK story is, Who do you believe? One credible witness is a man named Bill Newman. He was there, about 15 feet from JFK, when the gunfire rang out. His testimony is important.
…13) A highly credible JFK witness: Bill Newman’s storyRead More »
Was JFK’s lover Mary Meyer killed by the CIA?
One popular conspiracy theory holds that JFK’s lover Mary Meyer was murdered in October 1964 because she “knew too much.”
How Shenon and Sabato came to Fake News in JFK’s Murder
After more than fifty years and zero quantum of proof since the JFK assassination, Philip Shenon and Larry J. Sabato insist on the out-worn hypothesis “Castro sorta done it” while reporting how the CIA came to doubt the official story.
How Shenon and Sabato came to Fake News in JFK’s MurderRead More »
Didn’t do It: George H.W. Bush was not involved in JFK’s assassination
(This piece was posted, in different form in March 2016)
It is true that former president George H.W. Bush was in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. It is true that Bush became director of the CIA in 1976. But, rest assured, G H.W. Bush did not supervise gunmen in Dealey Plaza.
Didn’t do It: George H.W. Bush was not involved in JFK’s assassinationRead More »
Exclusive: What Angleton told JFK investigators about the mole at the CIA
On June 15, 1978,investigators from the House Select Committee on Assassinations interviewed James Angleton, retired CIA counterintelligence chief about his handling of the JFK assassination investigation in 1963 and 1964.
The interview, which sheds new light on Angleton’s conspiracy theories about a mole in the ranks of the CIA, was never transcribed or made public–until now.
In a Web exclusive, JFK Facts is offering a downloadable PDF transcript of Angleton’s closed-door HSCA interview.
Exclusive: What Angleton told JFK investigators about the mole at the CIARead More »