Tag: animation

Another JFK motorcade reconstruction and the limits of forensic evidence

While reviewing Mark Tyler’s Motorcade 63, I thought of Dale Myers’ 3D animation reconstruction of President Kennedy’s motorcade on November 22, 1963. Myer’s work is the most sophisticated effort to update the official story of the Warren Commission that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, killed the president for no reason.

Questioning Dale Myer’s JFK animation

Myers Critiqued
Myerr’s re-creation (left) compared to a photo from a near simultaneous moment in Dealey Plaza.

In WhoWhatWhy, Russ Baker and Milicent Cranor call into question Myer’s animated recreation of the first gunshot to hit President Kennedy. Myer’s work was used by ABC News special that affirmed the unpopular lone gunman theory.

Fair criticism?


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