
Chapo Trap House meets JFK

In which we unravel the “whole Bay of Pigs thing,” and how Hollywood glamorizes the CIA

Tricky Dicks: Watergate and the CIA

A friend writes: “I’m recommending a fantastic chat between Aaron Good and Jefferson Morley, two of the most cogent and relevant analysts of the Cold War’s domestic political legacy. It’s “about” Watergate, but it covers so much more than that. Take the time and have a deeper understanding of the break-in, the burglars,….

Listen here.

Douglas Horne on Operation Northwoods 

Doug Horne, formerly of the Assassination Records Review Board, talks about what i think is the single most significant finding of the ARRB: Operation Northwoods, the template for November 22, 1963.

The Myths of Watergate in Adams-Morgan

On Thursday night, June 16, I’ll be talking about the myths of Watergate with Eddie Becker, historian of American power in the city of Washington, D.C.

We will appear at Lost City Bookstore, a very cool new and used book emporium at 2467 18th Street Northwest in Washington D.C. The show starts at 7:30 pm.

CIA tradecraft & JFK’s assassination: the making of a patsy

Former CIA station chief Rolf Mowatt-Larssen addresses a conference of JFK researchers in Dallas in November 2019. (Credit: Jefferson Morley)

[ICYMI Part I : A veteran officer analyzes the death of a president / Part II: ‘The very top people.’ / ]

CIA veteran Rolf Mowatt-Larseen proposed a “thought experiment” to the November 2019 JFK conference in Dallas. He reverse-engineered the lone gunman scenario, posing a question both novel and incisive.

 “How can you get away with a really elaborate but very simple plan of deception, to end up in a place where the president is dead and it is blamed on someone else, other than the people who perpetrated it?” he asked. “Not easy.”

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