Category: ARRB

Douglas Horne on Operation Northwoods 

Doug Horne, formerly of the Assassination Records Review Board, talks about what i think is the single most significant finding of the ARRB: Operation Northwoods, the template for November 22, 1963.

Martin Luther King

A Joint Statement on the Kennedy, King and Malcolm X Assassinations and Ongoing Cover-ups

This letter was released in conjunction with the celebration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, January 21, 2019. It was signed by 50 people, including members of the Kennedy and King families as well as doctors, lawyers, activists, and scholars across the political spectrum (names attached.

A missing Oswald file highlights the need for JFK legislation

The coverage of the first batch newly-released JFK assassination records in Politico, the Washington Post, WhoWhatWhy, AlterNet and other national publication confirms the public interest in–and historical importance of– the government’s long secret files about the murder of President Kennedy in 1963.

But the documented fact, first reported in JFK Facts, that a batch of CIA records about suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald has gone missing since 1997,  underscores the need for congressional legislation to insure that the goal of full disclosure is achieved.

Enforce the JFK Records Act: Collect the foreign records about the assassination

Kerry In Cuba
Secretary of State John Kerry opens the U.S. Embassy in Havana on August 14, 2015.

The 1999 Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board singled out President Clinton’s State Department of a lack of cooperation asserting it “obviously did not consider pursuit of foreign records about the Kennedy assassination to be a priority,“and “more of a hindrance than help“.

David S. Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States (AOTUS), has an ongoing duty to ensure that all assassination records are obtained before the provisions of the JFK Act fully expire.  Write his blog and tell him the State Department needs to come into compliance with the law. …

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