Tag: Jean Davison

The hazards of running a JFK joint in the era of Trump

Two JFK Facts commenters have recently criticized me personally, and I feel the need to respond. I know an editor should have a thick skin but a season of succesful conspiracy theorizing has opened up the real possibility that U.S. nuclear codes will soon be delivered into the hands of a racist buffoon. I’m feeling a little touchy.

So let me dispatch with these theories and theorists.

Comment of the week

Leslie (Oct. 24),

Your Dallek quote had only one statement from JFK himself: “How could I have been so stupid as to let them proceed?” Not “Dulles betrayed me” — that’s an interpretation, just as it’s an interpretation (opinion) that it was JFK’s “decorum” that led him to praise Dulles highly and refer to him as a friend. IOW, JFK didn’t mean what he said about Dulles, in your view.

Personally I like direct quotes, not interpretations. Arthur Schlesinger’s book on RFK says this:

“Allen Dulles handled himself awfully well, with a great deal of dignity,” Robert Kennedy said of the period after the Bay of Pigs, “and never tried to shift the blame. The President was very fond of him, as I was.”

— Robert Kennedy and His Times, p. 459

Editor’s note – A new comment of the week will be featured each Wednesday.


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