Tag: American Truth and Reconciliation Committee


Ask Nancy Pelosi: Call for Congress to Reopen Assassination Probes 


The Truth and Reconciliation Committee needs your help. The Committee, consisting of 60 people (including the author) are calling on Congress to re-open the investigation of the four political assassinations in the 1960s: (JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy.)

CLICK HERE to read the Joint Statement.

CLICK HERE for Calls to Action.

“The consequences still haunt our nation,” says Adam Walinsky, former speechwriter for RFK.

The Committee needs you to sign a petition telling Nancy Pelosi to act.

The joint statement calls for Congress to establish firm oversight on the release of all government documents related to the Kennedy presidency and assassination, as mandated by the JFK Records Collection Act of 1992. This public transparency law has been routinely defied by the CIA and other federal agencies. The Trump White House has allowed the CIA to continue its defiance of the law, even though the JFK Records Act called for the full release of relevant documents in 2017

See JFK Facts: “Trump Caves to CIA on JFK Files Secrecy.”

Source: Petition · Nancy Pelosi: Call for Congress to Reopen Assassination Probes · Change.org

JFK w/generals

Petition Congress to reopen the assassination investigations

Last month, the American Truth and Reconciliation Committee issued an open letter call for re-opening four of the most painful incidents in American history. Now you can now add your call to the call at the Committee’s web site: Americantruthnow.org.

A group of over 60 prominent citizens aims to convene an American Truth and Reconciliation Committee to bring out the facts of the four major assassinations that changed the course of the country and the world—those of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  ​           A multi-part action plan has been set in motion, including a petition to Congress and a pubic inquest.

Source: Petition Congress .

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