New JFK Files: CIA drags its feet on compliance, failing to release 12 documents

The National Archives’ long-awaited release of JFK assassination files, which began on Monday, has some holes in it.
At least 12 CIA documents that were supposed to be released online Monday are still in the possession of the Agency, according to the Archives.
Among the missing documents are ten pages of notes on the FBI/Army Intelligence file of Tony Cuesta, an anti-Castro militant who implicated a Cuban exile marksman in the assassination of JFK.
The CIA also retains a 47-page file on Cuesta, which is supposed to be released this year, according to the National Archives online database.
The omission of the Cuesta file and 11 other documents from this week’s release was inadvertent, according to archivist James Mathis.
In an email to JFK Facts, Mathis wrote.
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